is a USDA Class A Licensed Roller Pigeon Breeder

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Granulated Diatomaceous Earth

Natural Wormer 8 oz.
Diatomaceous Earth is known for use on both internal parasites such as worms and external parasites such as lice, mites and various bugs that make their way into the loft and bedding.

Worming my birds has never been so easy! I prefer to use granulated Diatomaceous Earth because there is very little dust and it's so easy to grab a handful and sprinkle it like grit into the feed trays to treat and prevent worms. Since I started giving the granulated Diatomaceous Earth to my birds I have not seen any worms in years. I have found that it just works and I have not seen any ill effects at all.

I Use it twice a year for maintenance - once in the Spring and once in the Fall. I can't say what your results will be but try it for yourself!